Individuals with ADHD Bobbi-Jo Molokken Individuals with ADHD Bobbi-Jo Molokken

How to Unclutter Your Mind with a Brain Dump

Having an ADHD brain can feel like your thoughts and mental to do lists are tangled balls of yarn.  Some of the thoughts/tasks are from the same ball of yarn, connected in some way, but tangled up in knots and it feels hard to pull them apart.  Sometimes there’s other strings of yarn mixed in there, but it feels like it’s all jumbled up together and really hard to unravel. 

One strategy that can be helpful when feeling this way is to do a “brain dump”.  What’s a brain dump you ask?  Think of it as a mental decluttering process where you take all the thoughts, tasks, and ideas swirling around in your head and transfer them onto paper or a digital device. It's a way to take all of those tangled strings of yarn and roll them back up neatly.

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Bobbi-Jo Molokken Bobbi-Jo Molokken

Supporting ADHDers with External Processing in the Workplace

Differences in how individuals process and communicate information can pose challenges in the workplace. There are internal and external processors. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with executive functioning skills such as memory, planning, organization, and prioritization. These challenges extend to processing information and ideas, making it essential to understand and accommodate their preferred communication styles in the workplace.

Learn tips to support ADHDers with external processing in the workplace

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Bobbi-Jo Molokken Bobbi-Jo Molokken

Using a Google Home Hub to Support ADHD

A few years ago we decided to purchase a Google Home Hub and put it in our kitchen. It has been one of the most helpful tools for managing some of the difficulties ADHD brings for me. There are other brands and variations of these types of devices, I’m not suggesting Google is better than other brands, it’s just the one I have experience with.

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Bobbi-Jo Molokken Bobbi-Jo Molokken

An Introduction to ADHD and Sleep

The majority of individuals with ADHD report some type of difficulty with sleep. The relationship between ADHD and sleep is complex and is multidirectional, meaning sleep issues can impact the intensity of ADHD traits and ADHD traits can impact sleep.

Let’s review some common sleep issues related to ADHD:

Delayed Circadian Rhythms, Revenge Bedtime Procrastination, Sleep Disorders that Co-Occur with ADHD, Role of stimulant medication, sleep issues that mimic ADHD.

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Bobbi-Jo Molokken Bobbi-Jo Molokken

Guide to Finding a Neurodiversity-Affirming Provider

The neurodiversity movement has gained substantial traction in recent years. As more neurodivergent individuals are becoming aware of and are drawn to the neurodiversity paradigm, they are wanting to seek out providers that understand and practice from a neurodiversity affirming approach.

As an example, ADHD is one neurotype of many that fall under the neurodivergent umbrella. ADHDers struggle with being able to think, communicate, and process information in neuronormative ways. Consistently not being able to meet these ascribed social norms can lead to shame, low self esteem, loss of sense of self, people pleasing, isolation, loneliness and more. Having support professionals who understand and can validate the ADHDer's lived experiences can be invaluable.

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